The funny thing of this past week is that even though looking back, it would seem rather stressful, hectic and crazy, I don't remember ever feeling more confident that good things are right around the corner!
My job is officially over, or will be April 28. I was given notice last Tuesday that there would be no forthcoming positions for me at this time. It felt like the largest boulder was ripped off my shoulders and I am 50 lbs. lighter.
I began putting out my resumes last weekend, as it was. Even though I had no idea whether or not they were going to offer me a position, I knew my time was done. The last year has been incredibly challenging and a great learning experience, but sitting in someone else's shoes for a year is hard. Even putting aside the recent drama, I was hired on contract for a one-year maternity leave cover. The lady I was replacing was a big part of the organization and not a day went by that I didn't hear 'That's not how XXX did it' or see her name everywhere. Imagine being the new kid on the block for an entire year with a few dozen people reminding you every chance you got. But, as I told myself, this was her position and her life - I was only minding it and if I was away for a year, I would hope someone would do the same for me.
Even still, wanting a place that is my own and goals that are for me has become something I am looking forward to. Without roots and stability, I have found myself treading water for over twelve months now and I am tired. I need to find my place again, so I can get back to what I love. Reading, writing and of course, keeping up with friends.
So, imagine my surprise when the dozen resumes I sent out resulted in 8 interviews this week! Apparently the job market is hopping, and my work with two very well-respected companies has opened some big doors. I have now completed the first go-round and have had two call backs so far. Fingers crossed, but one seems extraordinarily promising - although I refuse to get my heart set on it. What is meant to be will be.
It just feels so good to be moving on. I have been smiling all week, even though I've been busier than ever trying to fit in interviews, full-time work, visiting my aunt in the hospital, photography class and physiotherapy. Tonight, I should have met up with another friend but am collapsing for a night.
The people I've met through this job have been wonderful, both internal and external. I've had many great comments and appreciation given to me this week once the news was official. They are also throwing me a leaving lunch this week - above and beyond, in my opinion. Once I'm finished, I am hoping to have a little bit of downtime - however, I will let things play out as they will. If an opportunity exists that doesn't allow that, so be it.
Even The Dude has made some attempts at civility. Unfortunately, while I am an ultimately forgiving person there are certain trespasses I cannot let go. One involves breach of trust, and that has occurred. It is sad though, and I do miss his company but I must hold dear to my ethics. I have been more than civil in return but only during company hours.
Tomorrow, I will be attending a shower for a wonderful friend from my previous company who will soon be blessed with her first little one, a girl. It reminds me that a job does not dictate a friendship, and leaving one does not mean leaving friends. Only providing an opportunity to strengthen those friendships outside the office.
Sunday is a photography field trip to a local park. The blossoms are out and it's going to be a beautiful weekend.
Another view from the hotel, looking northward
Tofino harbour
The reception - gotta love a dress with a train, that doubles as a veil!
What my dog thinks of all the picture taking I've been doing using her as a muse.
I'm hoping to catch up tonight, but as usual, things are hectic. Came back into a couple of firestorms, and am just thankful that the weekend events were wonderful enough to give me some strength to face a few challenges.
My Aunt has fallen ill and is in hospital. We don't know the extent of the issue yet, but she is showing signs of a stroke. Paralysis, mental confusion, pain. My Mom got the call two nights ago just after midnight from the Lifeline center saying they were not able to rouse her after she pushed her emergency button. My parents arrived to find her collapsed and barely breathing. She is now undergoing a battery of tests and we have yet to understand exactly what is happening. Sadly, my aging aunt suffers from depression. Losing her husband, her only child, her dog and just last week her best friend have all taken their toll on her. My mom and I are her only close relations as most, because of her sadness, have chosen to keep a distance. It is definitely a hard road, and not at all pleasant, but I can only hope that if I find myself in the winter of my life, that I will have family that doesn't walk away because I'm difficult.
Other news...while I was ok with being friends with the Dude, it has become obvious he was not. Just before the wedding, he ambushed me in a restaurant with some very nasty things to say. Accusing me of jeopardizing his career, although I seem to remember it was he who stayed at my place and he the one who always initiated plans. I was hurt and angry that he would take things to such a level, but am holding my head high and hoping that by biting my tongue and remembering my dignity that things will calm. However, it made one thing very easy. I will be definitely leaving the job at the end of the month. My contract ends and there had been negotiations on me staying, but for this and my general uneasiness of the job in general, it has made my choice easy. So, now that means I've been furiously peppering my resume out everywhere I can. I only hope that I won't be out of work too long.
My knee has begun giving me a little bit of trouble. I think that it's simply a little bit of doing too much too soon, so I'm throttling back and returning to physiotherapy.
Now back up to the hospital, and hopefully some more downtime later.
My best friend and her soulmate were married in a beautiful ceremony on Saturday on the West Coast of Vancouver Island in a tiny town called Tofino.
The clouds parted, and in a surprising twist for this time of year, it was gorgeous and sunny. The ceremony was performed on the beach, with 50 of their closest friends around them. Leigh was absolutely radiant, and Joe looked positively beaming. There was not a dry eye in the house as they became husband and wife. It was with the greatest honour that I stood beside them as maid of honour and I thought I would burst with happiness.
But it has been a whirlwind few days, and I'm now coming down hard. Many months of planning, and now it's done. They're off on their honeymoon now, to a surprise destination and it's time to focus on their little bundle of joy set to arrive in a few weeks.
I took approximately 1200 pictures, and am now setting to going through them and weeding out the best. Unfortunately Blogger is not playing nice today so it will have to be another time that I put up a few. However, the pics up here will only be of me or the scenery as my friend's privacy is paramount, and I respect her request to keep things that way.
But there were many, many other pics to share and I will be doing so over the next few days.