It's all good though. Initials aches and bruises dissipated and there was no lasting physical injury. My Mom's nerves are shot so she's having nightmares of being in car accidents though. Hopefully that will also go soon.
Now, my Dad. Another day, another complication. The infection in his chest wall is not subsiding yet so more potent antibiotics were ordered. He is now experiencing shortness of breath. We are told this is a 'normal' complication. Typically, he would have been out of the hospital today but with these delays, it now looks like the weekend before we'll see him home.
There are also a couple beds on the floor he's on that contracted the Superbug. They are taking precautions to ensure the outbreak doesn't spread but we are very aware of the fact that, while he needs to be in a hospital, it will be much better for healing when he's out.
I returned to work yesterday. It's tough to be here but I know getting back into some sort of routine is important for everyone's sanity.
With that, I'll end with a picture from the weekend. Apparently, Ms. Thang didn't take too kindly to a little kiss from her brother!